It took me a long time to realize there was nothing wrong with me. That despite what the WT taught, I wasn't wicked or evil or "just wanting to sin." I was looking to have a real relationship in which I could be honest about who I was - a gay man. And I realized I could never do that while a JW. They would never accept me for who I am.
When I read Romans I came to the same conclusion you did. The scripture only applied to the annointed class.
After fading I wondered, if this isn't the "true" religion then what is? The idea of searching for a new church seemed like a near impossible task. How many would I have to go to - to find the "right" one. I decided that was not the correct way to do it. That I should first look at what the Bible really says and then go from there. It was then that a very subtle idea entered my brain. An idea so simple and basic I had nearly overlooked it.
I realized that I should first verify the Bible is in fact God's word. This was a no brainer. I had been taught the evidence was overwhelming but I had never really taken the time to lay it all out. So I wrote down a list of the reasons why I knew the Bible was true:
1.) Fufilled Prophecy
2.) Scientific knowledge unknown to man at the time
3.) Internal Consistancy
4.) Moral Authority
And I resolved to fill in the exact scriptures I could point to incase I ever came across an atheist or a non-believer. I thought it would be an hour or two worth of research . . .
Six months later I had exhausted every scripture I knew, ever publication of the watchtower, every christian apologetic website, and every video I could find on Youtube to support these four basic premises. Not only could I not find evidence to support them - I found mountains of evidence that disproved them. The Bible has failed prophecy (the city of Tyre is not "uninhabited to time indefinite"), it has plain gotten science wrong (Genesis has the Sun and stars created AFTER vegitation on the earth), it is internaly inconsistant (Matthew has Jesus born before 3BC while Luke has Jesus born after 7AD), and it is morally wrong (God puts himself before the well being of his people every single time).
There are over 30,000 denominations of Christianity in the United States alone. All of which claim to follow the Bible. This would mean, that even if there was a "true" Christianity, the Bible has been used to mislead more people than it has managed to leed to the truth. And, while they all can't be right - they all can be wrong.
The Bible was written by men. And there's nothing devine or supernatural about it. It's no different than the Quran, or the Bhagavad Gita, the Hermetica, or any other so called "Holy Book".